Best GPH Books for Kids

Though all GPH books are written by experts, scientifically proved and have lucid language, nonetheless some books that have really been able to make big impacts both nationally and internationally are listed below:

1. Recipe for Stress-free Homework

Recipe for Stress-free Homework

Some of the reasons you will love to read this book:

  • Specific Strategies for Assisting in Homework
  • How to Remove Distractions?
  • How Parents can Help with Homework?
  • How to Help your Child get Organized?
  • How to Encourage Good Study Habits?

2. Ignite Your Child’s Math Learning

Ignite Your Child’s Math Learning
Some of the reasons you will love to read this book:

  • Description of some important things your child needs to know about Mathematics
  • How to Learn Mathematics at Home?
  • How to Learn Mathematics on the Go?
  • Mathematics at the Grocery Store
  • Mathematics for the Fun of it

3. I want my Child’s Success in School

my Child’s Success in School
Some of the reasons you will love to read this book:

  • Description of How to Encourage Your Child to Use Library
  • How to Help Your Child Learn Use the Internet Properly and Effectively?
  • Reading on the Go
  • How to Get Most out of Parent-teacher Conference?
  • What is the Best Way to Stay Involved in Child’s School Activities?

4. Discover Simple, Super Effective Ways to Make your Child a Reader

Discover Simple, Super Effective Ways to Make your Child a Reader
Some of the reasons you will love to read this book:

  • Description of the Learning Style of Children
  • Choosing the Right Books for your children
  • Activities for Families with Children from Infancy to Age 6
  • Fun-filled Activities designed for both you and your children
  • Easily available materials are used for activities

5. Secrets to Give Your Kids Great Science Education

Secrets to Give Your Kids Great Science Education
Some of the reasons you will love to read this book:

  • Range of activities for families with children from pre-school age to Grade 5
  • The activities are used from materials found in your home and make learning experiences out of everyday routine
  • The activities are designed to provide enfotainment.
  • How to Work with Teachers and School
  • Appropriate Books for your Children

6. Pre-school Child

Pre-school Child
Some of the reasons you will love to read this book:

  • Description of Right Kind of Food, Exercise and TV Cartoons for your Kids
  • What Toddlers Need
  • How to make your pre-school child excel through concise and sure-shot ways?
  • Social and Emotional Preparatioin for your Preschooler
  • What You Can Do?

7. Make your Child A Responsible Citizen

Responsible Citizen
Some of the reasons you will love to read this book:

  • What is a Good Moral character?
  • How can we teach our children Character-building?
  • What you can s do
  • The art of speaking truth
  • Choice of good friends

8. Effective Parenting

Effective Parenting
Some of the reasons you will love to read this book:

  • Tips on Giving Pocket Money
  • Early Childhood and Education
  • Understanding the Age Group of your Children
  • Sanctions and Punishment
  • Suggested Activities

9. Parents I Need you, Now I am Adolescent

Parents I Need you, Now I am Adolescent
Some of the reasons you will love to read this book:

  • How to Communicate with your Child Effectively?
  • Hopes and Expectations of Parents
  • How much Liberty should A Child be Given?
  • What can a Parent do to Grow the self-confidence of his/her Child?
  • How to Help your Child Deal with Peer-pressure?

10. My Creative Colouring Book

Parents I Need you, Now I am Adolescent
Some of the reasons your kids will love to read this book:

  • Age-appropriate Colouring Book
  • Do It Yourself (DIY) Book
  • They will see the things they love to have around
  • Activate their Creative Minds

Gullybaba recommends reading books for both kids as well as parents.

At Gullybaba Kids, I am going to share your Top10 Best Books for kids.

Buy Best Books for Kids through Gullybaba:

 "I Want My Child’s Success in School" book for kids This book for kids available on Gullybaba Kids
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