How to Make your Child a Responsible Citizen ?

It is the dream of every parent to see their children becoming successful in life. Discipline, commitment and good moral values shape an individual’s professional career as well as personal life. Infusing ethical values and a sense of responsibility from the very beginning within the tender heart of children is very important.  Surely, the children would grow as a good and responsible citizen.Just as we make children acquainted with the basics of life, very similarly they must be guided towards character development. Children must learn to value their family traditions, making them familiar with civic sense and patriotism is equally important.

Encouraging children to develop positive character offers umpteen benefits and delivers applauding results in the long run.Various researches have clearly indicated that children growing with ethical, positive and strong values perform impressively in academics. Such children become good students. They become bold enough to resist odds of life and never lose courage upon encountering hostile situation.The best part after settling in life, such children make a valuable contribution towards society and nation.

Here are some tips that can teach your children with necessary character traits such as honesty, a sense of responsibility and treating seniors with respect:

  • Set an ideal example –If you want your children to become responsible, first you have to be ideal. Remember, they will not do what you teach them; rather they will see you doing. So, take some time off from your hectic schedule, watch your actions, behavior, you might not like in your children. Then shun all these and then think preaching your children. Gently express your disapproval towards any unacceptable behavior of your children. Inform them that being disrespectful behavior towards seniors or dominating juniors is considered immoral in civilized societies. If you want to know how to make your child a responsible citizen, setting an ideal example is very important.

  • Motivation to boost self-confidence – Encourage children to set high goals and pursue them in a confident manner.The children must know the difference between illusory and real world. Parents must ensure that their children are pursuing goals in a consistent manner. Ideal parents always support children in their endeavor. Children need to learn that committing mistakes while making attempts isacceptable but turning to shortcuts, immoral means is catastrophic. Test their competency and wit by assigning them with age appropriate tasks.Giving them a free hand would encourage them to strive harder for overcoming hurdles.
  • Become a law abiding citizen and developing feeling of compassion– Voluntarily participating in community work, executing tasks in honest manner and respecting local laws and rules is also extremely important.Abiding laws and complying with necessary formalities is always important, even if no one is monitoring. Sow the seeds of compassion in your child’s heart. Surely, this act will make him/her a better human being. It is not just higher education that paves the path of success. The quality of kindheartedness also projects an individual’s image in positive light. Therefore, if you want to know as to how to make your child a responsible citizen, you will yourself have to be a law-abiding citizen.
  • Encourage participation in societal causes – Motivate them to participate in social and environmental causes such as planting trees. After indulging in such tasks the children will imbibe additional qualities such as creativity and their attention would incline towards betterment. Give them edifying books to read in their spare time.

Parents must keep a tab on child’s activity; analyze their academic performance on periodic interval. You must regularly attend parents and teacher meetings to determine the actual position. Always inspire your children to embrace ethical values and oppose corrupt practices.

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